Download the Conference Center Brochure
How do I enter a new event?
How do I change or delete an event?
Whom do I contact to obtain further assistance with reserving a room?
Whom do I contact to obtain further assistance with using a room and its features?

How do I enter a new event?
1. If you are certain that there is no conflicting prior reservation for your room, date and time preference, click the Submit Event button
in the upper right to open the Submit an Event form.
2. If you are unsure that there is a conflicting prior reservation, drill down to the Day View page either by:
- Clicking the Day View selection at the top of any of the calendar pages to default to the current day, or
- Clicking the event date from within the Year View, Month View or Week View pages if you do not wish to default to the current day.
The Day View screen will show you existing reservations for all RLE Conference Center rooms and room configurations for that day. Select your
start time by clicking the appropriate time value on the left or right columns to open the Submit an Event form.
Note: the default calendar for the Year View, Month View, Week View, and Day View pages is Combined Rooms, which is a combined view of all
reservations in all rooms and configurations of the RLE Conference Center. Select the desired tab at the top of each calendar if you wish to
filter this view to a specific room.
3. Complete and submit the Submit an Event form to place your room reservation.
- Some fields in the Submit an Event form will be pre-filled from personnel data associated with your MIT Personal Certificate installed on
your web browser (further information:
), which RLE uses to authenticate authorized users of the RLE Conference Center reservation system. You may overwrite most of these pre-filled
data if you wish.
- If you attempt to submit a reservation with required fields blank, or use unaccepted formats, you will be returned to the Submit an Event
form to make corrections before resubmitting.
- Reservations for a room, date and time that conflict with another will not be accepted, and you will be returned to the Submit an Event form
to make alterations before resubmitting. Please keep in mind that reservations for events noting seating re-configurations will produce buffer
periods to allow RLE Headquarters staff to move room furnishings.
- When your reservation request involves a change of room seating configuration,
a buffer period is automatically added before your reservation start
time and after your reservation end time. The purpose of the buffer
is to allow sufficient time for RLE operations and support staff to
move chairs and tables, and to adjust the room divider if needed. If
the end time of a preceding reservation already in the calendar, or
the start time of a succeeding reservation already in the calendar,
does not permit the minimum buffer periods, our system will reject your
reservation request. If there is such a conflict, you have the choice
of making a new reservation where no change in room configuration is
requested. When the room configuration does not change, the buffer time
is not needed nor enforced.

How do I change or delete an event?
1. Events may only be changed or deleted by the individual who submitted the event or by RLE Headquarters staff. We identify individuals through
the MIT Personal Certificate installed on your web browser (further information: ), which RLE uses to authenticate authorized users of the RLE Conference Center reservation
2. If you are the individual who submitted the event, navigate to the date of your event from the Year View, Month View, Week View, or Day
View pages.
3. Click your event from the Day View page. This will pop up a new window with summary information about your event. If you are the person
who made the reservation, the pop up window will offer the choice to Change Event or Delete Event. If you attempting to change or delete a recurring
event, you will be given the choice to edit or delete one instance of the event, or the entire series.
4. Selecting Change Event will open the Submit an Event form pre-filled with information from your original reservation. Make your changes
and re-submit the form.
5. Selecting Delete Event will open a confirmation prompt from which you delete your event. Deleted events cannot be restored except by making
a new reservation.

Whom do I contact to obtain further assistance with reserving a room?
Call the RLE Headquarters Reception Desk (617.253.2519) or come to RLE Headquarters for assistance.

Whom do I contact to obtain further assistance with using a room and its features?
Call the RLE Facilities Coordinator (617.253.2541).